Friday, July 30, 2010

Blue Sapphire: The Gem of the Heavens

The ancient Persians held the belief that the earth was embedded in a giant sapphire, explaining the hue of the skies above. This conviction rests in that sapphire can be found in all of the colors of the sky: midnight blue to bright blue, golden like sunrise and orange-red like the sunset. Typically known for its vibrant blue shade, sapphire symbolizes truth, sincerity and loyalty. The color blue is also associated with reliable (rather than fiery or passionate) emotions of sympathy and harmony.

Sapphires in History

Because the blue of sapphires represents faithfulness and love, this gemstone is given in many countries as an engagement ring.
According to Christian beliefs, Moses was given the Ten Commandments on a tablet of sapphire, rendering it a sacred gemstone. Because of this, sapphires came to be associated with divine favor and became the choice gemstone for kings and rulers.

Origins and Presentation

Sapphires are second in hardness only to diamonds, allowing stones to last generations. An already valuable gemstone, the sapphire that holds its color in different types of lighting is the most prized.
Sapphires are found in Sri Lanka (the oldest mines are here), Thailand, Australia and Cambodia. Other countries produce sapphire but the most famed sources are Kashmir and Burma – now known as Myanmar.

Beyond Blues

Blue is the most celebrated color of the sapphire, yet the gemstone is available in an array of vibrant hues. In gem terms, a non-blue sapphire is known as a fancy sapphire. These unique gems are found in yellow, pink, purple, green and even white. For hundreds of years the existence of these distinct sapphires was virtually unknown outside of professional, gem-expert and collector circles.

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