Monday, July 26, 2010

Aura of Gems

Not for the purpose of shirk, only a few wanted to reveal the primacy of the Leave of Allah in creation of this unique crystal.
MANY people believe in stones jewelry or gems are "invisible residents" who make the magic stone. No wonder if someone was willing to spend money to bejuta-million for want of good luck because he allegedly appeared wearing such stones.

Is it true that assumption? What is clear, there is a reason more rational and scientific about this stone properties rather than just trusting in the rock there qadamnya.
According to experts from Malaysia Dr rock. (HC) Hisham Hashim, the stone can be used for the treatment because it has an electromagnetic wave. With this electromagnetic stone can be corrected electromagnetic field disrupted in the human body, so that the relevant sense.
"The human body has a magnetic field. When the magnetic field in the body are not balanced, problems such as decrease in the immune system. As a result, the concerned will be affected by various diseases," says the graduate Department of Earth Sciences University Science Malaysia to the "homework", in Perlis Malaysia , recently.
Electromagnetic field disturbances in the human body can indeed caused by various things, such as wave interference from mobile phones, computers, television, or it could be due to air pollution.
As an example, that the gem could be useful for the treatment, citing Hashim Karen Ryan's opinion about the three-step treatment using quartz crystal stones.
The first phase, the sufferer will go through a purification process for three to four months, depending on the chronic illness. In order for this process is running optimally, the patient should wear quartz rock at least 21 days. "And over time this will happen removal of imbalances that occur in the body," said Hashim.
The second phase, there was a process that balance. The pain will feel the positive changes in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. His body will be more stable. "This happened because of the expenditure toxin (poison) and negative energy in his body," said Hashim added. The process will take place repeatedly. After four weeks of using quartz stones are usually the body of the patient will actually balance.
The last stage is the process of stabilization, the most important step in the treatment with stones. This treatment lasts a minimum of three to four months. In this period should not be disposed of quartz crystals for the stability of the process will be disrupted. If quartz crystals removed, treatment efforts should be repeated from scratch.

Must one

Hashim suggested, in order to achieve an optimal treatment, gemstone should one be imposed. This is because each stone has vibration (vibration) are different.
Selection of rock had to be adjusted with a person's illness. In addition, the selection of stone is also adjusted to the surroundings. For example, patients who live in places that many waves of electricity, it is advisable to wear gemstone or diamond type of crystal clear water. "Both types of these stones God dianegerahkan have the energy, wave, high reflection capabilities," said Hashim explained.

Gem properties

Basically, almost all rocks can be used for treatment because they each contain an electromagnetic vibration. Hashim mention a few.

1. Emerald
Chemical constituents Emerald green is silica, aluminum, soda, and magnesium. Because color is an attractive emerald many people preferred to use as jewelry.

According to Rowland, a doctor who in the 17th century examine rocks, emerald is very good to deal with liver disease (liver) and problems in the head. People are forgetful suitable to wear. Emerald is also believed to be able to cope with diabetes or neutralizing the sting / bite of venomous animals.

Emerald (Be 3 Al 2 SiO 6) is a gem or precious stone, light green to dark green. Silicate mineral beryl include emerald (containing beryllium) and the color green is caused by a trace of chromium. The presence of vanadium and chromium-iron that accompanies trace will cause a variety of zones on the green. Emerald including high hardness (7.5 on a scale Mohr).
The variation of colors: green, green - yellow, green - kebirua.
Levels of transparency: transparency, translusan.
Glittering policy: polish - glass.
Refractive index: 2.67 to 2.78.
Chemical Formula: Be 3 Al 2 SiO 6.
Crystal system: hexagonal.
Producing high quality is a Colombian emerald, Siberia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Australia and Brazil.

Many green-colored gem stones, emerald green, but who is considered the most fascinating. As minerals, including emerald beryl type group. This type of beryl that actually, there are also blue, yellow and red - but only hijaulah a cool color and shade that's what makes it able to perform parallel-precious stones and other gems. Uniquely, the majority of mineral emerald born with the natural characteristics of the cracks or the fibers - so if I can find one that is a good color and smooth berbodi ... lha, this is it! Want to know the price? free market form nearly perfect emeralds and large size can be assessed in excess of U.S. $ 10,000.00 per carat!
As a stone-diamond, emeralds seem most elegant and ideal when a sharpened facet models in cut-square-emerald cut four or (emera-cut), so he is very loved by men who would feel proud if you can wear it as eye ring with ditretes diamond-diamonds on the sides. It was steady.

Aura stone:
Create an atmosphere of cool, safe and comfortable,
maintain physical fitness and spiritual.

The relevance of the profession:
Practical areas of health,
agrobis-living environment.

Emerald / Zamrut: Stimulates clear vision and understanding

2. Pyrrhus ("turquoise")
Actually not 100% turquoise stones, but a mixture of soil, lime, and stone. Turquoise chemical content consists of hydrated aluminum silicate and phosphate.

Turquoise useful to overcome the lung disease, nerve, eye, diseases of the esophagus. Pyrrhus was able to strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, blood poisoning, and restore energy.

3. Carnelian Stone
Agate often worn as jewelry by men. This agate is often believed to contain "magical inhabitants." More than 1600 years ago Roman soldiers destroyed the agate until soft, then mixed with water and boiled, are used to treat kidney and spleen. In fact, medical experts from the Arab use agate powder to stop bleeding and internal injuries. For those who wear it, agate can provide the peace and solve difficult problems sleeping.

4. Diamond
Diamond believed to be the master of all healing. He has the power to balance the cleansing and the cleansing and balancing) weight. This gemstone is used to strengthen all the organs in the body, especially the bladder and kidneys. Diamond is also good for the health of the small intestine, bone strength, the pineal gland, and whether to activate the thymus gland. There are also people who believe that diamonds can be used for detoxification or expenditure toxins from the body.

But keep in mind, a diamond that has not been processed for the treatment of even more potent than it is already processed into beautiful jewelry. Cutting a diamond bit much to separate the atoms and affect the existing vibrations.

In the 17th century medical experts using pearl powder mixed with drinking water as a remedy for heart disease and food poisoning. "Numerologis and gemologis Dr. RI Dhuraimurugar mention that pearl powder is very good to deal with eye pain, cardiac channel, tuberculosis, fever, insomnia, and asthma," said Hashim.

Now, pearl powder is also used for cosmetic mixture. Pearl beneficial to make skin smooth. (Ella YP / Teguh L / "PR")

6. Blue Sapphire
Safir (Hebrew: Sapir) is the form of single crystal aluminum oxide (Al2O3), a mineral known as corundum. Sapphire can be found naturally as gemstones or manufactured in large crystals Boule for various purposes, including infrared optical components, the surface clock, strong windows, and wafers for the deposition of semiconductors such as GaN nanorod.
Corundum group of pure aluminum. Small amounts of other elements such as iron, titanium, and chromium give blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange, or greenish on sapphire. Sapphire includes any gemstone quality varieties of the mineral corundum except the fully saturated red variety, known as ruby.
Color variations: Blue, purple, yellow, orange, black, translucent.
Concentration Transparency: Transparent, translusan, opaque.
Glittering Policy:-diamond sheen.
Refractive Index: 1.766 to 1.774.
Hard levels: 9.
Specific Gravity: 3.47 to 3.55.
Chemical Formula: Al2O3.

Crystal system: hexagonal.

Producing Area: Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, the United States, Australia.

Relevance Profession:
- Priktisi scientific field,
- Trade,
- Entrepreneurs and executives.

Aura Stone:
- Develop thinking power,
- Inspire,
- Optimism and renewed hope.

Inner Silencer disease
Bring peace and inner peace.

more specific .. ... PENGEKAL Asmara

7. Kecubung Asihan

Overview of amethyst (amethis)

The location discovery Kecubung

In Indonesia Kecubung kalimantan common in the area but also in other regions such as West Java. Besides in Indonesia, Kecubung or Amethyst is found also in Brazil, Canada, India, Russia, Madagascar, Namibia, Sri Lanka and the United States (Colorado, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia). Gems Amethyst is a symbol of the state of South Carolina-USA (U.S. State Gemstone of South Carolina) and from the state of Ontario-Canada (Canadian State Gemstone of Ontario, Canada).

How to Care &; Store Kecubung

Clean Kecubung or your Amethyst in ultrasonic or jewelry cleaner tool can also use warm water that has been given a special soap, and then brush gently with a fluffy brush. Take care not to hit your Amethyst hot or very hot sun for a prolonged period because of the color of the stone will be white.

Some Uses Kecubung

In Indonesia, besides the stone amethyst jewelry is also often regarded as a stone dagger in her or her virtues, his example there is to cubung hasian believed to have the property to get sympathy from others and also do not want people to do evil to the wearer stone these.

But according to the trust makes a cameo is efficacious, should be though naturally, or not using modern tools, like grinding atau obat lainnya polishing, rubbing his general nya dengan mereka using bamboo (black atau bambu bamboo can be used), and sometimes si-makers too fast. In addition Kecubung also be used to increase the strength of inner / spiritual and intuitive person vigilance. Also used to relieve headaches.

Legend has it, use the Amethyst or drinking from the cup made from it, will prevent accidental poisoning. (Allow per-believe it or not). For certain people in the countries of Europe and the United amethyst or Amethyst is also used on a symbol or as a gift to perkimpoian to four or six.

Everything is back to us, but ultimately returned to The Giving ON HER LIFE.

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