Monday, July 26, 2010

Creating your Gem Elixirs

The Direct Method
This method of creating a gem elixir should only be used for the Quartz crystal family and I would suggest using only polished stones. The Quartz family is non-toxic non porous and therefore are safe to immerse in water.

1. You should have a calm and focused emotional state while making crystal essences as strong emotions can affect the elixir.

2. Cover a cleansed quartz crystal with spring, distilled or bottled water in a clear glass bowl and place in full sunlight for two to three hours.

3. It is important to minimize direct physical contact with the crystals and water so as to prevent the crystal energy from absorbing your own energy and affecting the elixir therefore if possible remove the stones with a spoon.

4. Pour the charged water, mother essence or stock, into a dark glass bottle, blue or brown work well. Mix with an equal amount of pure vodka of at least 40% alcohol (US 80 proof) which will act as a preservative and also help to "fix" the vibration. Seal the bottle. Vinegar can be used as a substitute for the alcohol.

5. Carefully decant small amounts of the mother crystal essence into a smaller dark glass bottle with a dropper.

Double Container Method
1. You should have a calm and focused emotional state while making gem elixirs because strong emotions can affect the elixir.

2. Place your crystal in a small sealed glass container which you will then place in a larger glass container of water and place six of the same crystals around the container being charged.

3. Instead of the six crystals around the container you can also use Clear Quartz points, points facing inwards, to amplify and direct the energy of the crystal you are making an elixir with into the water.

4. Leave the container in direct sunlight for +- four hours.

5. It is important to minimize direct physical contact with the crystals and water in order to keep the crystal energy from absorbing your own energy and affecting the elixir so you may wish to remove the sealed glass container holding the gems with tongs or a spoon.

6. Pour the charged water, mother essence or stock, into a dark glass bottle, blue or brown work well. Mix with an equal amount of pure vodka of at least 40% alcohol (US 80 proof) which will act as a preservative and also help to "fix" the vibration. Seal the bottle. Vinegar can be used as a substitute for the alcohol.

7 . Pour a small amount of the mother crystal essence into a smaller dark glass bottle with a dropper.
Gem Elixirs - Directions for use

Enhance your routine of crystal Healing by using the highly versatile gem elixirs. Here are some examples:

* Dropped under the tongue,
* Rubbed into pulse points,
* Rubbed into chakra points,
* Sprayed into the aura,
* Put in bath water,
* Sprayed around a room.
* Take at least three drops, twice a day - more if required.

The dropper bottle can be refilled from the mother essence as required. Keep the stock bottle in a cool, dark place.

Take care! Only use sufficiently hard, non-water soluble, non-toxic stones to make crystal (gem) waters and essences. Members of the quartz family are ideal. If in doubt, check a mineralogical textbook.

Never use: Realgar, Orpiment is arsenic, Stibnite, Galena, Copper which would include Azurite and Malachite or other compounds of Mercury, Arsenic or Lead and Cinnabar as it contains Mercury.

Gem elixirs can also be made using seashells, amber or petrified wood. This would be using elements that would be classified as being organic of origin.

All gem elixirs can be used undiluted or diluted. The term "diluting" may be somewhat confusing because it is generally held that adding water to the mother essence does not reduce the quality or effectiveness of the elixir, this is a matter of opinion, trust you intuition and do what is right for you.

Whether you use the elixirs diluted or undiluted is your choice. Some people feel that you benefit best from the undiluted elixir for the first month and there after the elixir can be diluted. My advice is to use your intuition and decide for yourself although it is my belief that less is more.

You can use muscle testing or a pendulum to help with evaluating the potential usefulness of gem elixirs as well as meditation and intuition.

Crystal Water (Gem Water)
1. Place a cleansed crystal or gemstone (only use non-toxic crystals) in a plain glass tumbler or pitcher.
2. Fill with fresh spring water cover and leave overnight.
3. In the morning remove the crystal with a spoon, and sip the water throughout the day.

The water will keep in a refrigerator for a few days. Use this water for your animals or your plants.

Remember to check for toxicity before deciding to make gem essences by the Direct Method. If in doubt choose a crystal from the table in Crystal Recipes or use a crystal from the quartz family or use the Double Container Method.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, really informative to be know about the creating of gem elixir, that you have shared the informative points. Kalpana Srikaanth astrologer | Pancharatna gems Coimbatore
