Monday, July 26, 2010

Star Sapphire

Sapphire: Corundum. Blue, green, pink, purple, clear. Related to Ruby. Blue: Communication, insight, intuition, clairaudience, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion, peacefulness. Pituitary and Thyroid. Detoxing skin, body. Antidepressant. Cools, contracts, soothes, thus reducing inflammation, fevers, nosebleeds. Hearing problems, TB, burns, etc.
Nervous system (&Epilepsy) and meridians. Strongest if next to skin. Especially Throat Chakra. Also: wisdom, will, centering, cheerfulness, luck. Reduces radiation effects, anxiety, procrastination. Some effects subtle. Black: more grounding. Protection. May strengthen by posing challenges to overcome. Found in the US, Australia, and India. Lessens tension and aligns the mental, physical, and spiritual planes. Can be an important stone for people with spiritual confusion or depression, those involved in situatations out of their control, and anyone with concentration problems. Black Sapphires are the most protective of all Sapphire colors.

Star Sapphire: Similar to the Blue Sapphire, differs in that it has an aqueous inclusion in its makeup that creates a refracted five-pointed star on the stone's surface. This star is a focus point in the gem. Recommended for people who wish to awaken or heighten their psychic abilities. Works as a relaxing agent during times of extreme physical exertion. Healers of the spirit and and body are often drawn to this stone.

1 comment:

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